(1 customer review)

1 600

Volume: 200 ml
Manufacturer: China
Dimensions: height – 5 cm, diameter – 6 cm
Material: ceramics, glaze

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Dimensions6 × 10 × 5 cm

Ceramics, Glaze


240 ml


Experience the elegance and tradition of Chinese tea culture with our «Precious Pearl» Ceramic Teapot. This exquisite teapot, crafted from high-quality Douqing Tao ceramic, has a capacity of 200 ml, making it perfect for a personal tea session or a small gathering.

Key Features:

  • Material: Made from premium Douqing Tao ceramic, known for its durability and refined finish.
  • Design: Handcrafted with intricate details that reflect the rich history of Chinese ceramic artistry.
  • Capacity: 200 ml, ideal for brewing a perfect amount of tea for one or two servings.
  • Heat Retention: The ceramic material ensures optimal heat retention, allowing your tea to stay warm longer.
  • Easy to Use: Equipped with a comfortable handle and a well-designed spout for a smooth pour without drips.
  • Aesthetic Appeal: The natural glaze gives the teapot a unique, elegant look, making it a beautiful addition to any tea set or kitchen decor.

Why Choose Douqing Tao Ceramic Teapot?

  • Authenticity: This teapot is a product of traditional Chinese craftsmanship, bringing an authentic touch to your tea-drinking experience.
  • Health Benefits: The ceramic material does not interact with tea, ensuring that you enjoy the purest flavors without any metallic aftertaste.
  • Durability: Douqing Tao ceramics are known for their robustness, making this teapot a long-lasting companion for your tea rituals.

Care Instructions:

  • Hand wash only with warm water and mild detergent.
  • Avoid using abrasive cleaners or scouring pads to maintain the glaze and finish.
  • Rinse thoroughly and let it air dry.

Embrace the heritage and craftsmanship of Douqing Tao ceramics with this beautiful 200 ml teapot, and elevate your tea-drinking experience to new heights.


Douqing Tao Ceramics: The Art and Traditions of China

Douqing Tao ceramics, also known as Chinese ceramics, is one of the oldest and most revered forms of decorative art in the world. Its history spans over 2000 years, starting from the Han dynasty, and it continues to be an important part of Chinese culture and art.

History and Development

Douqing Tao ceramics originated in ancient China, where they were used for both utilitarian and decorative purposes. In the early period, the ceramics were quite simple, but over time, the techniques and designs became significantly more complex. The Tang dynasty (618-907 AD) and the Song dynasty (960-1279 AD) are two crucial periods in the development of Chinese ceramics, during which many of the most famous and exquisite pieces were created.

Techniques and Materials

Douqing Tao ceramics are made from high-quality clay sourced from various regions of China. Traditional methods include hand molding, using the potter’s wheel, and various glazing techniques. Especially prized are the pieces covered with exquisite glazes, such as celadon, glossy black, and crackle glazes.

One of the key aspects of Douqing Tao production is the firing process, carried out in special kilns at high temperatures. This allows for unique color effects and the durability of the items.

Types and Decoration

Among the diverse types of Douqing Tao ceramics, the following can be highlighted:

  1. Celadon – pieces with characteristic green glaze, especially popular during the Song dynasty.
  2. Jingdezhen – porcelain known for its pure white color and transparency, which became a symbol of Chinese ceramics.
  3. Sancai – ceramics with three-color glaze, typically red, yellow, and green, popular during the Tang period.

Cultural Significance

Douqing Tao ceramics play an important role in Chinese culture and symbolism. They were used in religious rituals, for interior decoration, and as a sign of social status. Many items, such as vases, dishes, and statuettes, are still highly valued by collectors and museums worldwide.

Modern Revival

Today, the interest in Douqing Tao ceramics remains strong. Modern masters continue to develop traditions, introducing new techniques and styles. In many Chinese cities, such as Jingdezhen, international exhibitions and festivals dedicated to ceramics are held, promoting its popularization and preservation.

Douqing Tao ceramics are not only works of art but also a living witness to the centuries-old history and culture of China. They continue to inspire and impress with their refinement, beauty, and craftsmanship, passing on traditions from generation to generation.

1 review for Teapot DouQing Tao “Precious Pearl”, 200 ml.

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