Tea that has been stored for up to three years has slightly bitter notes, so 3 to 5 seconds are enough to brew. A golden-yellow drink with a herbaceous-floral aroma.
Depending on the aging period, the flavor of Pu-erh also changes:
Tea aged for more than three years acquires more delicate fruity and honey notes, its color becomes orange-yellow.
For drinks aged for more than ten years, notes of dried fruits are characteristic, the color of tea acquires an amber hue.
You can buy shen pu-erh with excellent taste characteristics in the online store “Cha.com.ua”. Our company is one of the few in Ukraine offering original tea from China at the best price. For its production, high quality tea leaves are used, collected by hand, without the use of machinery.
The tea sheng pu-erh presented by us grows in the ecologically clean mountainous regions of the Chinese province of Yunnan, has unique taste characteristics, exquisite aroma. It is impossible to buy it in a supermarket or a tea kiosk. Our employees fly to China to pick up and taste only the best varieties. The main goal of our company is not just the sale of tea, but the development of a culture of tea drinking.
Features of sheng, technology of its production
The leaves of sheng pu-erh tea must be young and fleshy, they contain a large amount of biological substances. After collecting the leaves, the manufacturing procedure consists of:
- “Shai Qing” – drying or drying out of direct sunlight to reduce the amount of moisture;
- “sha qing” – fixing, “destroying” greenery (at this stage, oxidative, reducing processes in the leaves stop);
- “jou nyen” – twisting, shaping;
final drying in a shady place; - pressing (the shape of a “pancake” is given, another);
Benefits and properties of Shen Pu-erh tea
Puer sheng tea is a drink of youth and longevity, it contains polyphenols, amino acids, vitamins and minerals that strengthen the immune system, improve well-being, invigorate and give energy.
Shen pu-erh helps to cope with colds, improves the functioning of the cardiovascular and endocrine systems, improves brain function and relieves fatigue.
When brewing pu-erh, it is important to follow some rules. use a porcelain or clay teapot, the water temperature should be 80-95 degrees. at the first stage, fill the tea leaves with water and drain the water, so you wash off the dust from the tea leaves, pour boiling water again and pour it into cups or bowls. Puer Shen can be brewed up to 8-9 times and each time it will reveal a new flavor.
During brewing, the drink acquires various shades, depending on the number of years and the exposure time.
Buy Shen Pu-erh in Kyiv
You can buy Shen Pu-erh in Kyiv, Dnipro, Odessa, Kharkov and other cities. Also, we invite you to tea party, where you can choose your favorite Chinese tea. Especially for you, we delivered shen pu-erh tea from China, quality products are very important to us. Delivery of tea is carried out promptly throughout Ukraine. We have classic shen pu-erh, as well as with natural additives, pressed, by weight.