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  • Travel tea set made of ceramics “Landscapes”  - фото 2Travel tea set made of ceramics “Landscapes”  - фото 3
    • Travel tea set made of ceramics “Landscapes”  - фото 4Travel tea set made of ceramics “Landscapes”  - фото 5
    • Travel tea set made of ceramics “Landscapes”

    • Manufacturer: China, Jiangsu; Volume: gaiwan 150 ml, large cup - 175-200 ml, small cup - 60 ml Material: Ceramics, dark amber colored glaze; Dimensions: Height: gaiwan - 9 cm, cup 5 cm Functional and convenient travel set for tea parties outside the home. The service is in a dense, unbending, impenetrable, compact case measuring 15 by 12 cm. All you…
    • 1 980
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Today, what a tea ceremony is is known far beyond the borders of Asian states, in which it originated many centuries ago. If earlier this procedure was available only to privileged members of society, today all tea lovers have the opportunity to receive aesthetic and taste pleasure.
