(1 customer review)


Volume: 30 ml
Manufacturer: China
Dimensions: height – 3 cm, diameter – 2.5 cm
Material: ceramics, glaze

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Dimensions3 × 4 × 2.5 cm

Ceramics, Glaze



The modern interpretation of traditional Japanese forms.

The teapot with a side handle emerged in Japan as a result of the fusion of two cultures and traditions. Traditional teapots with handles came from China with wandering monks to Japan, but in Japan, there were convenient water ladles with side handles – native, convenient, and beloved. As a result, teapots with side handles and their countless variations appeared.

The ball-shaped handle skillfully balances the teapot and comfortably fits in the hand. The teapot is coated with glaze using a complex multilayer technique. During firing, the glaze bakes into an amazing pattern reminiscent of stone.

The teapot is excellent for light teas and sheng puerh.

1 review for The teapot 30 ml. Japanese style

  1. Eng

    Оксана Мур

    Я таких маленьких чайничків навіть не тримала. На одну персону. Сформувала дорожний набір з нього та піали з цинци. Чайник ідеально лягає в чашку та поміщається у карман))) Заварювала Те Гуаньінь – вийшов смачним! Це для мене головне. З мінусів треба приловчитися тримати бо дуже маленька ручка.

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