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  • Golden Needle White Lotus 2013, Shu Puer tea (No360)  - фото 2Golden Needle White Lotus 2013, Shu Puer tea (No360)  - фото 3
    • Golden Needle White Lotus 2013, Shu Puer tea (No360)  - фото 4Golden Needle White Lotus 2013, Shu Puer tea (No360)  - фото 5
    • Golden Needle White Lotus 2013, Shu Puer tea (No360)

    • Translation from Chinese: Golden Needles, White Lotus Place, date of production: Yunnan, Kunming factory "Yi Heng Xiang" raw material 2013, pressing 2017 Kind: Shu Puer Appearance: tea pancake is made from a high-grade leaf with a large number of bright golden delicate buds Aroma: incredible, multifaceted, dried fruit-coffee-chocolate Taste: rich, bright, velvety, with hints of hazelnuts, chocolate, prunes Aftertaste: long,…
    • 432 /50g
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Shu Puer is an elite variety of Chinese tea that goes through a long fermentation period, which can take years, the older Shu Puer is, the more refined it tastes, and the more expensive it is.
