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  • Golden Needle White Lotus 2013, Shu Puer tea (No360)  - фото 2Golden Needle White Lotus 2013, Shu Puer tea (No360)  - фото 3
    • Golden Needle White Lotus 2013, Shu Puer tea (No360)  - фото 4Golden Needle White Lotus 2013, Shu Puer tea (No360)  - фото 5
    • Golden Needle White Lotus 2013, Shu Puer tea (No360)

    • Translation from Chinese: Golden Needles, White Lotus Place, date of production: Yunnan, Kunming factory "Yi Heng Xiang" raw material 2013, pressing 2017 Kind: Shu Puer Appearance: tea pancake is made from a high-grade leaf with a large number of bright golden delicate buds Aroma: incredible, multifaceted, dried fruit-coffee-chocolate Taste: rich, bright, velvety, with hints of hazelnuts, chocolate, prunes Aftertaste: long,…
    • 432 /50g
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History, production of Chinese Pu-erh

Puer is a tea that will not leave you indifferent. Today, tea is the second most popular drink in the world, and Chinese tea is the third largest export in the world, Chinese tea is really very popular.
