(2 customer reviews)

210 /50g

Translation from Chinese: Shu Puer “Bulan”

  • Place, date of production: China, Menghai, Yunnan, Manluahui, assembled in 2013, pressed in 2020
  • Tea type: Shu Puer
  • Appearance: Lightly pressed pancake (cake), homogeneous, clean, medium pu-erh leaves with an abundance of golden buds, petioles are found
  • Aroma: forest, warm autumn day
  • Taste: light astringency, young walnut
  • Aftertaste: not long, pleasant
  • Infusion color: dark amber

    The most suitable vessels for brewing: a clay teapot for pu-erh or a thick-walled gaiwan, a fireproof teapot (if brewing)Good budget pu-erh for every day!

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 Shu Pu’er Bulang Qi Zi Bing – One of the Rare Teas from Yunnan Province

Shu Pu’er Bulang Qi Zi Bing is one of the rare teas from Yunnan Province.

It grows in the region known as Bulangshan.

In the Bulangshan area lives the Bulang ethnic group, who have been cultivating and producing tea for over 1,000 years.

Shu Pu’er is prepared using a special double fermentation technique, which combines natural fermentation (as for Sheng Pu’er) and artificial aging—heating raw Pu’er on coals in closed cauldrons. This process achieves the taste and aroma of aged Pu’er in a shorter period.

Bulang tea was harvested in 2013 but pressed in 2020. Seven years of storage in bags have given this tea unique, deep notes of sweet wood and warm forest. It has a mild flavor, but with storage, it undergoes a maturation process, and each year its taste becomes bolder and more expressive.

This Shu Pu’er has the characteristics of a clean aroma, mild taste, and quick sweet aftertaste. I recommend it to everyone.

During tea drinking, it tones, brings a comfortable state to the body, spirit, and mind, and eliminates unnecessary thoughts and hustle.

2 reviews for Shu Puer “Bulan Qi Ji Bing” pressed tea 2020 (No. 120)

  1. Eng


    За свої грощі чай гарний. На чайник 150 мл. взяв 11 грам цього чаю але можна і більше, тоді довше буде розкриватися. За смаком схожий на витриманий шу. Витримує приблизно 7-8 заварок.

  2. Eng


    Классный чай, просто надо насыпать немного больше в чайник)))

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