(2 customer reviews)

690 /50g

  • Translation from Japanese: Green tea
  • Place, date of production: Kagoshima Prefecture, spring 2024
  • Type: Green tea Appearance: curled small leaves resembling needles, crushed leaves added
  • Aroma: fresh, citrus, herbal
  • Taste: soft, sweet, creamy
  • Aftertaste: long, light Infusion color: light green, azure
  • The most suitable vessels for brewing: faror gaiwan, thin-walled clay teapot
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  • High-grade green tea – premium class from Kagoshima Prefecture. Sencha Kagoshima has a high status among green teas of the sencha variety. Also, this tea is a multiple champion in the annual all-Japanese competition “Best Japanese Tea”. Assembled and processed by hand by the best craftsmen of the Yamama Masudaen factory. To create such an amazing bouquet of aroma and taste, the masters created a blend of the first spring leaves of five varieties of tea bush – Asatsuya, Skumidori, Okuyutaka, Asanoka, Yabukita.
    • Tekhnologiya obrabotki list’yev slozhnaya i trebuyet mnogo vnimaniya. List’ya sobirayut vruchnuyu vesnoy. Posle togo kak snimut tsinovki, kotoryye ukryvali chaynyye plantatsii, sryvayut pervyye raskryvshiyesya listochki. Sobrannyye list’ya proparivayut, chtoby v nem ostanovilis’ protsessy okisleniya i sokhranilsya zelenyy tsvet. Daleye list’ya razminayutsya vruchnuyu i prosushivayutsya. Postepenno v protsesse razminaniya list priobretayet formu igolok. Sentya ili sencha yavlyayetsya samym populyarnym chayem v Yaponii.
    • The technology for processing leaves is complex and requires a lot of attention. The leaves are collected by hand in the spring. After the mats that covered the tea plantations are removed, the first opened leaves are plucked.The collected leaves are steamed so that the oxidation processes in it stop and the green color is preserved. Next, the leaves are kneaded by hand and dried. Gradually, during the process of kneading, the sheet takes on the shape of needles.
    • Sencha or sencha is the most popular tea in Japan.

2 reviews for Sencha Kagoshima, Japanese green tea (No. 600)

  1. Eng


    Я задоволена.Дякую.

  2. Eng


    Ого який чай! Я від гьокуро не відрізнив би. Чому він має назву сентя, а ні гьокуро?

  3. Eng


    Классика зеленого японского чая

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