(1 customer review)

800 /50g

Great Achievement Place,

  • Date of Production: China, Yunnan Province, 2006
  • Type: Shu Pu’er (Shu Puer)
  • Appearance: Elegant, neat, medium-density pressed cake with visible leaves and a large number of tea buds.
  • Aroma: Earthy, moist
  • Taste: Mature, with bitterness of apricot kernel and almond.
  • Aftertaste: Sweetness of plum blossoms
  • Infusion color: Chestnut
  • Recommended Brewing Vessels: Clay teapot for Pu’er or thick-walled gaiwan, fireproof kettle (for boiling).
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SKU: SuPuHZT-800 Categories: , , Brand:Cha.Com.Ua

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25 gr, 50 gr, 100 gr, 200 gr


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Qi Zi Bing Cha (七子饼茶), literally translates as “Seven Sons Tea Cake,” because the cakes are packed together in sets of 7. The era of the Seven Sons began in 1972 with the formation of the now-famous “China National Native Produce & Animal By-product Import & Export Company,” often abbreviated as “CNNP.” Some of the youngest cakes from this era are only now beginning to reach maturity. The three main factories at the time were Menghai, Xiaguan, and Kunming.

The simplest way to prepare Shu Pu’er tea: (In a cup with a lid)

  1. Take a cup and rinse it with boiling water.
  2. Add tea at a ratio of 3 grams per 250 ml.
  3. Rinse the tea: pour in 1/4 cup of water and immediately pour it out, holding back the tea with the lid.
  4. Pour in boiling water (95-98 degrees) and steep for 2-3 minutes.
  5. Drink. Enjoy your tea!

Health Benefits of Shu Pu’er: Due to the beneficial microflora that develops during the aging process of the tea, Pu’er wonderfully breaks down fats, improves digestive processes, warms the stomach, aids in weight loss, cleanses the body of harmful substances and toxins, lowers cholesterol levels in the blood, and helps regulate blood pressure. It invigorates the entire body, increases tone, clears the mind, and simultaneously promotes a state of focus and deep calm.

Pu’er has long been used as a dietary supplement by many nomadic tribes living in remote regions. Since these tribes mainly consumed yak meat, which is rich in fats, tea helped them balance their diet by combating fat. Today, Pu’er is recognized for its cleansing properties, which particularly help regulate the body and aid digestion.

Pu’er tea has exceptional invigorating properties despite its low caffeine content. It improves attention and concentration, and also clears the mind, making it beneficial for those engaged in mental work. Its effects on the body can be compared to strong energy drinks. Additionally, Pu’er lowers blood sugar levels, warms the body, and removes toxins.

Shu Pu’er can be consumed even in the morning on an empty stomach.

A good Pu’er, whether loose or pressed, is a must-have for anyone who cares about their health and figure!

Benefits of Pu’er:

  • Lowers cholesterol levels in the blood.
  • Improves gastrointestinal function.
  • Relieves constipation.
  • Aids the digestive process.
  • Reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke.
  • Promotes weight loss.
  • Invigorates and tones.
  • Removes toxins and heavy metals.



1 review for Shu Pu’er “Hong Ding Tao” Pressed Tea (No. 800)

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    Для настоящих ценителей выдержанного Шу! Многогранный, яркий, долгий!

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