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  • Tie Guan Yin Fujian An Xi Oolong tea (No180)  - фото 2Tie Guan Yin Fujian An Xi Oolong tea (No180)  - фото 3
    • Tie Guan Yin Fujian An Xi Oolong tea (No180)  - фото 4Tie Guan Yin Fujian An Xi Oolong tea (No180)  - фото 5
    • Tie Guan Yin Fujian An Xi Oolong tea (No180)

    • Translated from Chinese: Iron Bodhisattva Guanyin Place, production date: South of Fujian province, autumn 2022 Type: South Fujian Oolong Appearance: hemispherical twist, beautiful green tea leaves Fragrance: sweet lilac, delicate acacia and a light trail of jasmine flowers Taste: refreshing, sweet Finish: long, rich, refreshing Infusion color: light yellow-green The most suitable utensils for brewing: glass or ceramic gaiwan, thin-walled…
    • 270 /50g
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“Dark Dragon”, “Turquoise Tea”, “Qing Cha” are the names of the same Chinese tea, which is known to connoisseurs as oolong tea. This is not a specific variety, but an extensive group of semi-fermented teas, the degree of fermentation of which varies from 20 to 60%. The Chinese call oolong tea the middle way due to the balance of taste and aroma. The taste combines black and red varieties, and notes of white and green teas are mixed in the aroma.
